Monday, April 25, 2011

Vegenaise vs. Mayo - What can I say, the Vegan one is much lighter and tastes 100% like mayo!

Try these 2 different brand of Vegenaise and see for yourself how good they taste. No eggs, milk, or any other animal product. It is really light and delicious in your salads, toasts, and sandwiches. You can find them at most stores like Whole Foods, Henry's, Vons, Ralphs, ... and makes the vegan patties taste like fish. I usually mix it with Grey Poupon Mustard for even more flavor.

Once empty, it is easy to recycle, though I use most of them as storage containers :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cut down the dairy with this amazing tasting Almond Chocolate Milk!

By far, my favorite drink. Try it to believe... You can find this at any Vons, Ralphs and major super markets! There is no more excuse to drink chocolate milk when this is by far as good.

The myth that fish oil has no replacement! Busted...

We all need Omega vitamin, which can 'only' be found in fish. I say only in quotes, because the truth is that we can get it directly from the source of what they eat, which is algae.

Why go to the middle man, why you go directly to the source and for the same price...

Available at Natural Food Markets, Henry's and online.

Meet the vegan butter that beats real butter!

Want to cut down on butter? Give a shot at 'Earth Balance', I highly recommend it. Put it on your bread, cakes and pasta and try it for yourself to believe how good it tastes. And much better for your heart too!

Available at Whole Foods, Henry's, Natural Food Market, ...